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Emily in Paris season1. 7

by Little Monkey 2021. 7. 26.

A little retail therapy before work?

retail therapy : 금융 치료 같은 느낌?


You can count on me to make sure everything runs smoothly, while you're gone.

count on = rely on = depend on ; 믿어도 돼

make sure :  확실하다는 것을 강조할 때 입버릇 처럼 자주 쓰임

smoothly : 순조롭게 


Well.. given (that) there's an American actress hosting the event, I just think you should be utilizing the American in your office.

given that ~ : ~임을 생각해볼 때


You really think you are up for the task?

정말로 그 일 자신 있어?


On it

맡겨만 줘.


I am running point for Brooklyn Clark at the Fourtier launch

running point : conveys minor leadership in a team at work ~에 대한 책임을 지게 되다.


<hotel 에서 누군가를 찾을 때>

I'm here to see Brooklyn Clark.

We don't have anyone here by that name.

Really? I was told that she was here.


<자신을 직장과 함께 소개할 때>

I'm Emily from Savoir.

I'm 이름 from 회사 이름.


I thought that we could go over the agenda for the Fourtier party.

go over = check 


No pressure.

부담 갖지마


I can't afford. The down payment alone is completely out of my reach.

out of my reach : not able to be achieved


I hear you but mixing family and money is tricky. I know firsthand.

I hear you : 이해해. 

firsthand : 이미 경험한 경험, 지식


My uncle may have jumped the gun.

jump the gun : do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it


I want a memorable post of Brooklyn Clark in Pierr's dress.

in + 옷 : ~입은


You will be getting all that and more.

고객한테 확신 줄 때 쓰는 말. 너가 말한 것 그 이상을 드립니다.


We're going to cross-promote on both brands' social accounts.


You good with the speech?

그거 잘 되가~?


I was really on edge about it but so far, everything is going really well.

be on edge : nervous 긴장/걱정



