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Emily in Paris - Season1. 6

by Little Monkey 2021. 7. 19.

Emily in Paris - Season1. 6


Emily : They were at it all night.

be at it = be doing it


Mindy: Frenchmen never get tired of having sex. It's like docking them in a Lightning port.

Lightning port: Apple의 충전단자


Emily: My battery's dead, and I have a huge day at work.

have a huge/long day at work : 직장에서 힘든 하루를 보내다.


Emily : That's how you talk to your dad?

Mindy: His third assistant will soften the tone when she reads it.

soften the tone : 말투를 순화하다


Mindy : I choked in front of billions of people. I was so mortified, I had to get out of China ASAP.

choke : 목이 막히다 / 삑사리나다

be mortified : 개---창피하다


Mindy: I had a shot and I blew it.

have a shot and blew it 잡은 기회를 놓쳐버렸다.


Emily: You need to get back out there.

다시 기회를 잡을 거야~


Mindy : The wonderful thing about Paris is that nobody judges you for doing nothing.


Emily : I was just watching to see if the Caesar salad is really worth 20 euros.


Loser : Loser buys the next bottle of wine


Emily : You are so sure you're right?

