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뉴스 쉐도잉 9/8 Fascism Scholar Says U.S. Is 'Losing Its Democratic Status' 이어서

by Little Monkey 2020. 9. 8.




Fascism Scholar Says U.S. Is 'Losing Its Democratic Status'

Yale professor Jason Stanley wrote the book How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them. He talked with NPR about defining fascism and how conspiracy theories play a part.


So we thought this would be a g-ood time to revisit this term /and ask, what does it really me-an? And is this a term we should even be using /when talking about politics in a democracy? ..We called Jason Sta-nley for this. He is a professor of philosophy and author of the book "How Fascism Works:/ The Politics. Of. Us. And Them." It first came out in September, 2018, but it's been reissued with a new preface //because he says-that global events have only substantiated his concern about how fascist rhetoric/ is showing up in politics and policies /around the world.

