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What You Need to Know About 5G in 2020

by Little Monkey 2020. 1. 9.

By Brian X. Chen (Newyorktimes)

landline : 전화

Like many consumers, Kathryn Schipper, an attorney in Seattle, doesn’t have a landline.



She relies on her smartphone for calls and videoconferencing, but reception is spotty.


carriers : 물류회사 뿐 아니라 통신 회사도 씀

At CES, the big consumer electronics show in Las Vegas this week, the carriers are insisting that 2020 will be a turning point for 5G.



2020 is pivotal because you’ve got a good foundation built, and the ecosystem starts to form,...(중략)


latency : 대기시간, 호출시간

The main benefit will be a reduction of lag known as latency. For example, when you do a web search on your phone, the results usually won’t load immediately; the lag can often last hundreds of milliseconds.


shave down 

In theory, 5G technology will shave this latency down to a few milliseconds. 


is susceptible to

In some cases, yes. While Wi-Fi is also very fast, it pulls data from a broadband connection, which is susceptible to degraded performance when others nearby are using it.


mitigate : 완화시키다

By design, 5G transmits high amounts of data more efficiently, so it is expected to significantly mitigate network congestion.



Verizon’s earliest 5G plans charged an extra $10 a month for people with compatible smartphones to gain access to 5G. (It is currently waiving that fee as it builds out its 5G network.) 

